3 thoughts on “Vacation Rentals

  1. We have been Air B&B hosts for 8 months now. We make below average salaries living in Bozeman and we thought this would be a great way to earn some extra money to save and meet people from around the world. We have met people from China, France, Hong Kong, Costa Rica and all over the states. We host them in our home and charge a meager $40 a night so they too can experience Bozeman and Yellowstone at a rate they can afford. We strongly oppose the new legislation regarding registering with the health department and paying high fees to the city to open OUR home to travelers. This is outrageous. Also – how dare a city charge a misdemeanor for such a thing. Really. I come from Western Washington and have been really surprised by the high living costs, low pay and restrictive city legislation. It’s really time for Bozeman’s residents to feel they have a voice.


    • We have lived in Bozeman for over 35 years. Our experience with the consequences of absentee landlords (Air B&B owners/ rentals) has been negative (noise, loud parties, trash, illegal parking, parking in the opposite direction of the flow of traffic, verbal disrespect to neighbors and more). I totally support the decision by are elected officials to regulate short-term rentals. Absentee property owners need to be accountable and not make a profit at the expense of the quality of the life of other community members

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    • Hotels pay all the same fees you are opposing for your rental, probably more but I’m unsure of exactly what they need to pay to be allowed to do business. Additionally, a large part of the reason the cost of living is going up is because the availability for long term rentals for people living and working in Bozeman is evaporating. Have you considered trying to find long term renters for your unit? If you did that you would become part of the solution, not the problem, while still being able to benefit from the additional income. It surprises me that you would think the cost of living in Bozeman is too high when you come from western WA, considering the MEDIAN home price in Seattle is $722,000.

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